After irritating my left shoulder/pec being stupid a couple weeks back on my supplemental day incline benching 405 (like an idiot)....pride....smh....

I have been actively rehabbing the crap out of my shoulder/pec area. Body buffering every other day, TENS unit and prolotherapy to boot. Each having its own benefit and each having to be done properly. I have taken an active stance with getting my shoulder/pec health better. I must if I plan to continue without another surgery. Life, abuse, age, time and so on are all factors we cant run from forever. I am just walking as fast as I can right now....

Light stuff today with blood pumping too....

Seated Chest Press

5 sets x 20 reps light weight

Pec Dec

5 sets x 10 reps light weight

Seated BB Military OHP

5 sets x 10 reps light weight

Fat Bar Pressdowns

200 total reps

DB Cheerleaders

5 sets x 20 reps light weight
