It is that time again to "test" my pec, shoulder and raw bench and see where I am and if I am still moving forward. Today was a big yes for me. Getting back to 4 plates raw has been my goal since tweeking my back a few months back. All lifts were done to a half board, so full range is there. I only did touch and go because paused reps put too much of a strain on my torn labrum. All in all I am happy with this continued progress!

Moving my grip to a closer grip (pinky finger inside ring) has been quite the challenge for me. I have always been a wide grip bencher (index finger on the ring) for 20+ years raw and geared. This has put quite a strain and beating on my shoulders over the years and it is showing. Moving my grip in closer has somewhat alleviated the pressure on my shoulders but has asked my triceps to take on more of the load on pressing the bar up. This new set up for me has been frustrating and has taken time to adjust too but it is allowing me to continue to raw bench and so far without real pain.

I am still rehabbing and doing tons of shoulder mobility work week after week and it is helping. My labrum tear is not getting better mind you but I have learned to work around it. I know that surgery will put me down for a long time and I am not ready for that yet. I am working extra hard on my back, traps, shoulders and triceps devolvement to take on extra work in helping me bench-press and lets not forget better technique. Always learning, always fine tuning and always trying to remain in the game....

Raw Bench

used half board on all sets
used close grip on all sets

1 x bar - 5
1 x 135 - 1
1 x 225 - 1
1 x 275 - 1
1 x 315 - 1
1 x 365 - 1
1 x 405 - 1!

Fat Bar 48" Straight Lat Pull Attachment

4 x 10

Lat Pulldown Double D Angled Bar

4 x 10

American Angle Grip Attachment

4 x 10

American Multi Grip Attachment

4 x 10

48" High Quality Lat Bar

4 x 10

Level 5 Tsunami Lat Bar – 54

4 x 10
