*super series shoulder warm-up


  • bar x 10
  • 135 x 10
  • 185 x 5
  • 225 x 5
  • 275 x 3
  • 315 x 1
  • 365 x 1
  • 405 x 1
  • 455 x 1 - slingshot
  • 505 (74%) x 3 - added Jack bench shirt
  • 525 (77%) x 3
  • 545 (80%) x 3

Fat Bar Floor Press

  • 205 x 6 - 80 in chains
  • 205 x 4 - 120 in chains
  • 255 x 3

Wide Grip "row" 

  • 180 x 15 x 4

Norah came to OBB with me today since she was home "sick" with a low grade fever. We brought her barbies and coloring books with her so she'd have something to do and I'm very proud of her for staying occupied for nearly 4 hours. I had no intention of staying that long and should have left sooner for her sake, but I'll make it up to her with ice cream this weekend.