Well two weeks have past and back in the shirt I go. This week was straight weight to a 2board. I needed to see where I was and what I could handle. My target was 8 plates on each side with good speed. Target hit! Speed was good, not great but good. I always judge my shirted bench-press by speed. I know what 8 plates for me should look like speed wise at 2board at 1board and full range. I’m not there yet for 2board. I just have to keep telling myself to take it slow. It’s going to take time to get my CNS, my triceps, my confidence and my belief that I am ready again. I’m closer that I was last week or the week before so that's a good thing....
BB Bench-Press
- raw warmups
- used foam roller on all warmups for arch
- used elitefts elbow sleeves on all warmup sets
- used metal all black wrist raps on all sets
1 x bar - 5
1 x 135 - 5
1 x 185 - 3
1 x 225 - 2
1 x 275 - 2
1 x 315 - 2
Added 2board
1 x 365 - 2
1 x 405 - 2
1 x 455 - 2
Added Metal Jack Shirt
Added 3board
1 x 500 - 1
1 x 550 - 1
Added 2board
1 x 600 - 1
1 x 655 - 1
1 x 675 - 1
1 x 730 - 1
1 x 765 - 1
Assisted Dips with Metal Catapult
4 sets x 10 reps each set
Incline DB Press
1 x 70's - 15
1 x 80's - 15
1 x 90's - 15
1 x 100's - 15
1 x 120's - 15
Band Triceps Press down
100 continuous reps
Pec Deck
3 sets x 15 reps each set
As you can see at the end of my video my daughter is really looking good on her bench-press. Each week her form and technique is getting better!