Reverse Average Band Deadlift
- bar x 20
- 135 x 10
- 225 x 5
- 315 x 2
- 405 x 2
- 495 x 1 - added Average bands
- 495 x 1 - added M-briefs
- 585 x 1
- 585 x 1 - added 80 in chains
- 585 x 1 - added 120 in chains - added King deadlifter
- 585 x 1 - added 160 in chains
Standing Ab work
- 190 x 10 x 3
Grip Training - Fat Bar Holds For Time
- 200 x as long as possible x 5
Left hand is still giving me some trouble with grip, but it's better than it was. No straps from here on in and I'll continue with the grip work.