First, have a definite, clear practical ideal; a goal, an objective. Second, have the necessary means to achieve your ends; wisdom, money, materials, and methods. Third, adjust all your means to that end." - Aristotle

Some would say, "It sure does look the same stuff from week to week on these days." and my reply would be, "Yes your correct and very observant there." "Only to master anything and gain benefit is to practice your craft, dedicate time and get better than you were to reap the benefits."

Anyways, I am continually working on my rehab, mobility and overall health and....listening to my body. This day really helps me. I focus an hour once a week to these things then add in some blood pumping work for whatever I feel needs it. I am also doing several of these rehab protocols through the week just split up on different days. This day is primarily just for this. Its helping....

Hammer Swings

6 pound hammer - one arm and 2 arm swings - 3 sets each
8 pound hammer - one arm and 2 arm swings - 3 sets each
10 pound hammer - one arm and 2 arm swings - 3 sets each

Body Tempering

Quads, hamstrings, back, calves

Band Stretching

hips, hamstrings

Hanging Stretch for Shoulders and Back

3 sets - 30 seconds each

Inversion Table

3 sets - 60 seconds upside down

Standing Front DB Raises

100 reps

Standing DB Hammers

100 reps

DB Shrugs

100 reps

Calf Raises

100 reps
