7/28 - Accessory Day
6 sets of bodyweight only x AMRAP on the EliteFTS monkey chin bar, alternating grip on every set
Seated DB Arnold Front Raises
- Not sure what the proper term for this exercise is, just calling them this because I got these from Arnold's exercise book I bought as a teenager. These are dumbbell front raises that are brought up all the way to the locked out overhead position, instead of just stopping when your arms are parallel with the floor.
Unilateral Cable Side Raises
4x12, no rest periods other than what it took to switch arms
Inverted Rows
Bodyweight x AMRAP x 4
Bilateral Cable Face Pulls
Banded Rear Delt Laterals
100 total reps
7/31 - Light(er) Bench Day
Bench Press
405 for 6 sets of 2
- These felt a little off due to my left pec being tight. Had to be a little slower on my descent than usual to maintain bar path. Will address this in PT this upcoming week.
Close Grip Fat Bar Floor Press (Airex pads under elbows)
405 for 4 sets of 2, nice volume PR. These felt good even with a tight pec.
Standing Landmine Shoulder Press
Band Flies
2 monster mini's choked around a rack for 4 sets of 25 to stretch out the pec and get some blood flow in there.
Rope Pushdowns
1 rest/pause set of 25, 16, 10, 6 reps.
Great training week! Feeling very good for the meet now. I'm looking to get some redemption for last week's deadlift disaster this upcoming Tuesday. As long as that session goes well, I couldn't be more confident heading into the meet.