Saturday 07.06.19

I used a new pair of Metal Ace briefs today...I've had the pair I've been wearing for several years and since I competed in the 220 weight class. They are perfect in my opinion,  but they are pretty well used up with the seams glued because they were starting to separate before my last meet. I thought it best to break in a new pair before starting my next meet prep. Before I put them on I cut the hem off the bottom of the legs and then coated them with baby powder to help get them on...time to squat

I had no plan today but a previous training partner and friend of mine, Grant, was out to train this weekend so we jumped in with Dave for squats....

SS Yoke bar with chains and reverse bands box squat  - box was set 1.5 inches above parallel

I'm not exactly sure what I worked up to for a single but the combination of reverse bands along with the chains made it interesting because of the dramatic variance between the top of the movement and the bottom. Feeling and stabilizing the weight was also different than using either type of accumulating resistance alone because the resistance of each was on different planes. I had to hold the weight for a bit before beginning the movement to ensure it was settled but it moved well.


block pulls - I actually got Dave to do these too!

worked up to 315 and 10 chains for 1 set of 27 reps - blocks were set with the bar slightly below the knee.


It was very hot today and breathing was difficult, for me anyway so I shut things down.
