I decided it was time to start working in gear again. I've done a little shirt work but otherwise, I've not trained in gear since December.


box squats - box set 1/2 inch above parallel - wore Metal Ace briefs

worked up to 750 for two singles



3 sets of 12 reps


hanging leg raises

3 sets of 15 reps


I wasn't sitting back as far as I should with the briefs on but the weight moved well and things felt good.



Doberdruk came out to train today. It's always great to get in a session with him.



worked up to 275 and started adding chains

275 plus 1 chain for 3 reps

275 plus 2 chains for 3 reps

275 plus 3 chains for 2 reps

275 plus 4 chains for 1 rep

275 plus 5 chains for 1 rep

295 plus 5 chains for 1 rep

315 plus 5 chains for 1 rep

335 plus 5 chains for 1 reps


freak bar bench

used 135 for 3 sets of 10 reps with mini band around wrists and springs flexed outward


chest supported barbell rows

used 185 for 5 sets of 8 reps
