Oh boy.  What to even say?  I guess I try to have one of these longer, more self reflective posts at least once a month.  It's hard for me sometimes, but they're good.  This is actually a really perfect time, as  I guess I'm in what everyone calls "meet prep."   I'm in the middle of a mesocycle, and my meet peaking cycle starts July 16th.  I have stuck to the 5thSet Methodology, and I will continue to do so.  I think after this meet I may play around with my assistance work a little more, but for the main movements I don't plan on changing much.  It has worked for me, and I can't imagine doing anything else...maybe some day if I'm feeling extra adventurous.

Anyway, I committed to BOB3 before I even knew that my financial situation was going to change.  When it did change I didn't think it was possible to do the meet.  Honestly, up until about a week ago I was still deciding and trying to figure out how I could make it happen.  Fortunately my good friend Amenah offered a place to stay, and my amazing mother offered to pay for the majority of my $400 plane ticket.  I am grateful for them both, because without them this meet would never be able to happen for me.  Plus, what better way to spend my birthday than in California?  Today I bought my plane ticket, today I started my meal plan, today I decided to pour everything I have into the rest of this prep and fully commit myself.  It wasn't real until the ticket was bought.

Someone asked me if I was going to try for 165.  I'm not going to "try" for 165, I will compete at 165 for the first time ever...and I am not going to torture myself with a 10lb water cut.  I also plan to total big, I mean...I don't know how big, but you can count on it being a good one.  I'm capable of much more than I have done, and I will continue to prove that with every meet that I do.  Some things have changed, but I am far from being finished.  If anything, a fire has been lit, and its going to be hard to put out.

Tuesday I benched and my numbers are coming out at around a 280 bench, which is unreal.  I looked in my book and the last time I did this weight back in January-ish I only hit it for 4 sets of 3 and 1 set of 4.  HI GAINS, how you doin?  I've already hit a 280 bench in competition back in October, but I took two steps back, and then a couple more back by losing weight.  It feels good to know that my strength is almost on point with where I left off about 8 months ago.

3 more weeks of hard training, and then the peaking cycle begins.

Bench:  barx2x8, 65x3, 95x3, 135x3, 155x3, 185x3, 210x4x3, 210x11

Pause Press: 170x3x5

Side Raise: 10x10 & 15x10

Rear Raise: 10x12 & 15x12