Thurs, 13 Jul 17
Block 13, Wave 2 - Snatch @ ISCF
First time doing actual barbell weightlifting work in a while, at least it feels that way. I should be doing this more, but I have been so short on time and energy and scrote lately that I've been slacking.
Hang Power Snatch
10x muscle snatch
10x OHSQ
3x from the hip
3x to the knee
3x155 - Gettin' pretty fugly.
3x3x135 -Much better.
Got some longer rest periods because I was shooting the shit with Dave, one of the owners of Iron Strong, who happens to be a pretty damn good PLer.
Shankle Complex
1x205 - Hang power clean from the hip was getting pretty idiotic at this point.
KB Bent Press/Alt. Arm Diagonal Band Pullaparts
10ea x 35/15ea x mini
2x{10ea x 50/15ea x mini}