DB Hammer

Got Bench?
Got Bench?
I don’t care what gym you train at there’s always that one question that, essentially, is used as a measuring stick of your masculinity; “How much do you bench?”
The Socratic Method
The Socratic Method
One of the first pressing, inquisitive minds who stepped on the face of this earth was Socrates.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
The individual control and systematic manipulation of volumetric management is largely dependant upon the proper integration of critical training variables.
Super Compensation
Super Compensation
The reason to couple super compensation work with training work is simple, gain a reciprocative function of the fatigue-frequency relationship more often in a training stage.
Workout Wisdom
Workout Wisdom
When planning a training protocol, one must take into account the value of work administered in terms of function and time.
Barbell Bullshit
Barbell Bullshit
Maybe it’s because I found out the hard way that you must vent information through a screen door in order to attain measurable improvements every training session in the real world. Maybe it’s because I have been doing research lately on American training strategies and I got a swift kick of deja vu.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
Auto Regulatory Training Part 2
The training process must include a critical and determined degree of fatigue, followed by an appropriate duration to which Reserve Strength may be elicited.
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
Auto Regulatory Training Part 1
The individual control and systematic manipulation of volumetric management is largely dependant upon the proper integration of critical training variables. Specifically, these elements that must be monitored in training for sport can be generally classified into the broad category of measurement.
Westside and the Log Press
Westside and the Log Press
Get fast and slam a big log up overhead. As an added bonus your bench will go up too.
Pick Your Poison
Pick Your Poison
This article is all about you, as a unique individual, training for your goals and based on your needs.
Swinging at Bad Pitches
Swinging at Bad Pitches
What do you call it when someone makes a bonehead mistake in training? I am going to muster up all of my will power and be nice this time as I liken it to the baseball player that has fallen prone to poor pitch selection- swinging at bad pitches

11 Item(s)