Detric Smith

How Competition Helps and Hurts
How Competition Helps and Hurts
All competition isn’t necessarily a good thing. Too much as a business owner and you’ll likely forget what really matters.
The Dangers of Confirmation Bias in Fitness
The Dangers of Confirmation Bias in Fitness
Did we create this madness?
Your Haters are Pushing You to the Top — Embrace It
Your Haters are Pushing You to the Top — Embrace It
Maybe instead of flipping off the haters, you should be thanking them instead. If anything, the haters are just bringing more people your way!
Your Kid Is Not a Pro Athlete
Your Kid Is Not a Pro Athlete
Parents often don’t realize that some of the popular programs out there look cool but are the equivalent of going from first grade to 12th grade in a week. The best program is the one your athlete is ready for.
When There is Money to Be Made
When There is Money to Be Made
If there is more money to be made from telling a lie, will the truth ever come out?
Random Thoughts on Nutrition and Training
Random Thoughts on Nutrition and Training
Detric shares some random thoughts on nutrition and training with readers.
 Performance Training to Look Better
Performance Training to Look Better
Performance training for improved looks is a concept that seems to get lost behind the dozens of magazines that promote your favorite bodybuilder and the supplements they’re trying to sell us.
Why You Need a Coach: The Little Big Things
Why You Need a Coach: The Little Big Things
For most of you reading this article who used to compete in sports, think back to your younger days. Can you imagine stepping on the field without the direction of a coach?
Benefits of a Strength and Conditioning Program
Benefits of a Strength and Conditioning Program
If you’re reading this, you probably have a good understanding of why strength and conditioning is important. However, I’d like to reach the coaches, athletic directors, and lazy athletes who will never reach their potential because of a lack of education.

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