Hunter Richardson

Hunter Richardson serves as an infantry officer in the United States Army. He trains in a variety of ways and loves his garage gym dearly. Hunter currently volunteers as an assistant strength coach for local middle and high school athletes. You can find Hunter’s training on Instagram @squatters_rites.

The Holy Trinity of Recovery
The Holy Trinity of Recovery
The road of recovery includes three stops: sleep, nutrition, and conditioning. Find out how Hunter incorporates the Holy Trinity of Recovery for his athletic performance.
5/3/1 and Run: Training for a Race
5/3/1 and Run: Training for a Race
This comprehensive 20-week training program blends endurance and strength training to get you prepared for your next race.
5 Things I Learned About High School S&C
5 Things I Learned About High School S&C
Volunteering under a local public school district’s strength and conditioning coach, here are five things to know as you pursue this job track.
5 Basic Training Principles 
5 Basic Training Principles 
Learning from Louie Simmons, Ed Coan, Stan Efferding, Stuart McGill, and more, this is my training philosophy to guide my programming.
5/3/1 and Run
5/3/1 and Run
Concurrent training, commonly known as hybrid training, can be a frustratingly fine line to walk. Here’s the recipe.
An Application of Linear Periodization and Why It’s Still Relevant
An Application of Linear Periodization and Why It’s Still Relevant
Piecing together what I’ve learned from Dave Tate, Jim Wendler, and Sam Brown, I added 70+ pounds to my total in a six-month period.

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