Samuel Brown


Sam is the owner of Practice Movement and Recovery LLC. He consults clients to get out of pain and boost performance—one of the few McGill Method Practitioners in the United States. Sam competes in strongman in the 198- to 200-pound weight class.

The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Ed Coan 
The Top 3 Lessons I Learned From Ed Coan 
The greatest powerlifter of all time has learned a thing or two about how to be the best in the world. He approaches life the same way.
5 Essential Questions to Get Strong and Jacked—Answer Now!
5 Essential Questions to Get Strong and Jacked—Answer Now!
These questions are the roadmap to getting strong and jacked, along a playbook for when shit hits the fan. And, shit will hit the fan.
3 Things I Learned From Training YOUR Ass Off
3 Things I Learned From Training YOUR Ass Off
Regardless of how strong you are, there is always room for improvement and growth by adopting a white belt mentality.
Commercial Gym Conjugate
Commercial Gym Conjugate
Conjugate doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s what it is in the most simplest terms, along with a program to get you started anywhere.
Determining Your Ideal Warm-Up
Determining Your Ideal Warm-Up
Do you stretch? Do you foam roll? Do you get under the bar and start hammering a few reps? Why? How’s it working for you?
Exercise Selection: Ask Better Questions and Make Better Choices
Exercise Selection: Ask Better Questions and Make Better Choices
Do you ever wonder why certain exercises happen in the order that they do? Or why athletes will work on power and speed before hitting their main lifts? Here’s why.
Does Hypertrophy Have a Place in Athletics?
Does Hypertrophy Have a Place in Athletics?
Some of the brightest minds in strength and conditioning present both sides of the argument. Join the conversation.
Boosting Performance for the Desk Athlete
Boosting Performance for the Desk Athlete
“Desk athlete” is a term that I have coined to describe corporate clientele. It’s important for my clients to understand that although they may not be competing in a sport, they are part of a respective team where their mental, physical, and emotional well-being is required.
3 Things I Learned From Training My @ss Off with Dave Tate
3 Things I Learned From Training My @ss Off with Dave Tate
The Train Your @ss Off with Dave Tate event was not only a life-changing experience; it was also truly something I will remember forever. It has made me a better coach, a better training partner, and a better overall human because it helped me figure out what is truly important in my life.
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
The elitefts Scholastic Back Raise: 8 Exercises You Aren't Doing
If you have a garage gym, you want equipment that is reliable and will outlive you. That’s why elitefts equipment is the gold standard. But you’ll want equipment that’ll give you the bang for your buck. Enter the elitefts Back Raise…
Get in the Flow State for Peak Performance
Get in the Flow State for Peak Performance
Flow is where challenge and skill meet. These are points during your training year where you push the envelope and attempt things that might be slightly outside of your athlete’s capabilities.
Self-Efficacy: The Science of Getting Shit Done
Self-Efficacy: The Science of Getting Shit Done
According to Bandura, there are four major sources contributing to a person’s individual self-efficacy. This is what coaches need to be building in their athletes.
The 5 Stages of Change
The 5 Stages of Change
With this basic framework you can better understand how likely your clients are to stick to a program or diet, as well as where they might be in the behavior change process.

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