Steve Diel

Steve Diel earned an MBA in Finance from Indiana University and has over 20 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies across a wide array of industries. While his key areas of professional focus have been Mergers & Acquisitions and Corporate Strategy, he has also served roles in Treasury, Financial Planning & Analysis, Internal Audit and Investor Relations. Steve totaled elite in powerlifting for the first time in 2011 at age 39.

WATCH: Inside the Home Gym of elitefts CFO Steve Diel
WATCH: Inside the Home Gym of elitefts CFO Steve Diel
Having a home gym has allowed me to have the time to fit everything together and never have to sacrifice my training. Here’s how I designed my gym layout, prioritized my equipment selection, and ordered from elitefts.
SPF Best of the Best Pro-Am Meet Results — The Power of the Crew
SPF Best of the Best Pro-Am Meet Results — The Power of the Crew
At the age of 45, after well over a decade of competing, and after just eight months back with a good crew, my total jumped 114 pounds.
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Finding A Personal Record Through Consistency
Powerlifting is one tool I use to measure my strength. Through relocation, job change, a virus, a motorcycle crash, and children (the list goes on), there’s one thing I learned this past year: consistency.
Weekender’s Small-Time PR with Big-Time Learnings
Weekender’s Small-Time PR with Big-Time Learnings
The week leading up to the meet was great. Lots of rest and ice.

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