Every morning I have an opening ritual. I go through a mental checklist to make sure the administration of my workout can go smoothly without a hitch.
That means not only setting the room up for multiple people in the weight area, but simple things like turning the heat on, unlocking all the doors, and checking the bathrooms.
Here is where it gets "iffy". I make sure that there is no one left in there and that the bowls are all flushed. For the life of me, EVERY morning I go in there, someone (or two) has left me a surprise in not ONE toilet but sometimes TWO and on a rare occasion all three. Forget the urinal that backs up.
Anyway, that isn't a complaint. It's a part of gym life. People are pigs and I've gotten accustomed to it. (I do wonder what their homes look like?)
So I was discussing my delay this morning in the bathroom with one of the participants. I was telling the story how one of my TRAINING partners was concerned about the length of time I was in there.
When I have to use the facility, I am in and out in seconds (I have a phobia about dying with my pants down. It's so undignified) So when I'm in there the length of time it took to tidy up the men's room this morning he expressed his concern about my well being. So, Lara had a chuckle and made a statement that resonated with me. She said, "People just need to 'flush their own toilet bowls'"
I thought about that, and YES...people need to simply "flush their bowls"
Not just the toilet bowl. But how many people hold onto negative thoughts? How many people let other people's actions dictate how the rest of their day is going to go? How many times do we just hold onto things that only need a twist of the handle and "whoosh" be gone?
Lara's statement should become the mantra of the year (or life, maybe?)
"Flush Your Bowl"!!!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10/10/10; Legs Only/Arms and Legs/Arms Only
Cycle: Commute
Versi Climber: 10x50 steps
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
DB Chest Press: 4x10
DB Fly: 4x10
Dips: 4x10
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x10
Ab Crunch: 125 reps
Cycle: Commute