Today we were going up to a four-rep max. Granted it's four reps and the weight won't be nearly as heavy as a big ass single, it's still a "max" exercise.
As we approached the bigger weight there were a few lifters that had that "I'm not sure about this" moment. This is a guarantee to make a lifter miss!
I tell the story of the two imaginary monkeys that jump up on each shoulder when things get difficult, One monkey tells you that you can't do whatever it is that you are attempting. He gets into your psyche and whispers, "save yourself for another day", "Not today." "There's no loss of face if you bail", or a list of any excuse NOT to do it.
Then there is the other monkey that says "Fuck what that monkey over there says and LIFT IT!"
Hey, come on...we know it's heavy, that's why we call it weight! But you won't gain anything great by being timid and mediocre.
More than once today, I had this conversation, and with the right amount of positive reinforcement, the weights were lifted!
Do you know what rhymes with Monday? That's right...DEADLIFT does.
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 10 mins Legs only/ 10 mins arms and legs/ 10 mins arms only
Cycle: Commute: 29 mins (into a strong headwind)
Versa-Climber: 10x50 steps w/ short interval break
Deadlift: (Hex bar); 4 rep max. We had a bunch of outstanding numbers today.
45-degree Back Extension: 4x8x45 bar held in a snatch grip
Reverse Hyper: 4x10x heavy
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10
Cycle: Commute; No time but really FAST. That headwind was now a tailwind
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