Apologies! But I have a LOT on my plate today so I won't be telling any stories...
Today's Training:
Run: Fartlek 3 miles
Cycle: Commute
Prowler: 15x80 yds x Just the frame. The surface was/is wet and anyone with Prowler experience knows that it's REALLY hard to push that sucker on wet pavement.
Single Arm DB OHP: Work up to a PRE=7 by starting really light and doing SIX reps. Once you have found the weight do TWO additional sets for a total of THREE working sets of SIX reps.
DB Lateral Raise: Drop the weight by 10 lbs that you used in your OHP and do 4x10
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x 36-28-18 kg kettlebells
Cycle: Commute