I didn't give anyone the choice today which way they were going to Deadlift. I wanted to open everyone's hips up so we pulled sumo only.
Secondly, it was a grip strength test. Since the pinky and the thumb connection is the weakest link in the upper body, it is a built-in "safety" technique. NO one can outlift their grip. So when everyone (and I do mean everyone) starts to bitch about how they could do more, I agree with them and make them stay with the double overhand.
If you don't like the grip failing??? Get a better grip...work on it
Last, I didn't want to destroy most of the tight hips in my program. Limits with the amount of weight help keep those competitive souls from crippling themselves, especially on the first day of Sumoszz
Today's Training:
Run: 5 K
Bike Commute: 28 mins.
SUMO Deadlift: Pull double overhand ONLY for a three rep max. It's too bad that your whimp grip is the limiting factor in today's exercise. NO SWITCHING...period.
GHR: 2x8;1x20
Back Extension: 1x10; 1x15; 1x20; 1x25
Ab Crunch: 100 reps
Bike Commute: 31 mins