When teaching the position of the body in a floor press, I like to have folks get under the bar and do a HUGE hip extension.  As the participant feels their weight on their traps and back of the head I can get them to understand the idea of "Putting their shoulders into their back pockets and grabbing the floor with their shoulder blades."  Once they get that tightness figured out, I have them SLIDE their legs along the floor until their glutes just graze the surface.  Putting a stop right there usually will gave the presser in the right position.  Then, "bend the bar" becomes my last verbal cue.

Today was a great day as EVERYONE did a least five pounds more than last week.  It might have been because I made everyone add a 2.5 lbs to each side before they began and "forget about it being there".  haha

Today's Training:

Floor Press: 3 rep max  Beat last week's number

Fat Grip Skull Crushers: 7x8

Seated Single Arm DB Shoulder Press: 3x10

Face Pulls: 4x15

Shrugs: 4x12

WoodChops: 3x15

Ab Crunch: 100 reps