I am often guilty of writing a post either right here on my Coach's Log or even on Social Media that I need to read and keep reminded of. I was thinking about this one throughout much of the morning and how it would transfer quite well to the entire weekend.

So, I'll share it with YOU...

"Don't be an ass!" That's it! "Don't be an ass!"

Today's Training:

Cycle: Commute

Concept II Row: 2500 meters for time

C/S Row by EliteFTS: 4x6x stupid heavy

Lat Pulldown: 4x6x even more stupid heavy

Low Cable Row Single Arm: 4x6x yet again, and a dumb amount of weight

Blast Strap Row: 100 reps

Skull Smashers for Tricep: 4x12

V Bar Cable Pushdown: 4x12

Single Arm Tricep Extension vs. mini band x 100 Don't put it down or change hands until the 100 reps are completed

BB Curl: 4x8

BB Reverse Curl: 4x8

DB Hammer Curl: 4x8

Concentration Curl: 2x25

Cycle: Commute