I had this on the wall in my gym, many years ago...

"Prior proper planning prevents piss-poor performance."

Write it. Learn it. Be a part of it.

Today's Training:

Stretch/Foam Roll: 20 mins

Cycle: Commute

C/S Row: 2 sets to max reps at 135; 1 set of 1 negative rep at 185

Lat Pulldown: 2 sets to max reps at 140; 1 set of 1 negative rep at 200

Shrug: 4x30x315

Tempo Rep the following (2:2:4)

BB Curl: 4x8

DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x12

DB Hammer Curl: 4x8

Cable Rope Push-downs: 4x12

Reverse Grip Curl: 4x8

Narrow width push-ups: 4x12

Cycle: Commute; 36 mins. Traffic was a literal pain in the ass.