I actually hijacked this idea from Matt Kroc YEARS ago.  Matt had said that he would throw this workout in once a month and he put some dramatic size on his guns.

Now understand, some of the exercises are a bit different as I don't have "machines" per say.  But I feel these were a decent substitute and the folks in my gym have a good time with them.

Happy Thanksgiving (IF you can raise your arms to eat)


Today's Training:

AirDyne: 24 mins

5x20 of the following:

1.  BB Curl

2.  Tricep Rope Pushdown

3.  DB Curl

4.  DB Supine Tricep Extension

5.  DB Hammer Curl:

6.  Dips

7.  Reverse Grip BB Curl

8.  C/S Tricep Kick Back

9.  Seated BB Curl

10.  Narrow Grip Push Ups