I know I didn't post the prior weeks training at this time but the video for that has yet to compiled. I was training at Venice Golds "The Mecca" that week and hit some big lifts for the week. Then I traveled to Cincinnati to do a seminar over the weekend.

This last week I got back to the gym here in Portland and despite loosing weight from the travel I was able to hit some big weights over he week. Traveling is always hard on me to keep my food intake up where it needs to be and sleep the way I like to. The prior week was no exception and I had numerous missed meals and lost 10lbs of bodyweight one the week. That said I hit some big numbers on returning.

The details of my training are in the video log but include:

MONDAY - 1000 lb band assisted Deadlifts 2x3
TUESDAY - 600 lb Front Squat with no hands 6x1
WEDNEDSAY - 365 lb Duffalo Deficit Bench press 2x12
THURSDAY - 895x5, 925x3 Band/Chain Resisted Deadlifts
FRIDAY - 540 lb front Squats 4x2
SATURDAY - 225 lb Bench 2x45
