Finally, I have a reprieve from the car maintenance program that I've been on all week.
I really do like riding my bike in the wee hours of the morning to my gym. The only creatures moving with me at this time are various forms of wildlife, and as I get closer to the urban setting, crackheads, police, and delivery people round out the attendance.
I seem to be in a better mood and it makes my day plain enjoyable even with the onset of winter-type temperatures here in Northern California.
It's not all sun and surf! No, no, no...we get almost to the freezing marks a couple of mornings during this time. When that happens, I get some resistance from the participants about doing anything outside like pushing the Prowler.
To avoid the breach of Rule #67 (which clearly states..."No Complaining") I added to the daily instructions that an immediate 73 points would be taken from the participants' balance if there is ANY complaints.
Couple the fact of chilly temps and heavier weighted Prowlers, and some folks were RACKING up the points this morning!!!
Always keep tongue in cheek, it was fun to have them go through it.
There's magic in the misery, and I'm the magician!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Prowler: 10x40x+90 lbs
Good Mornings: From the bottom UP (Anderson Style) Three Sets of Six Reps at each weight.
- 3x6x45
- 3x6x95
- 3x6x135
- 3x6x185
- 3x6x etcetera...etcetera
Make sure to keep the back neutral or arched in the anterior pelvic tilt, slightly flex to the knee, and then FIX it there so it doesn't flex or extend, raise and lower the bar via "Hip Hinging", and for God's sake...Spread the Floor to thoroughly engage the glutes.
Reverse Hyper: 3x12
Cycle: Commute