On most occasions, I like to have people compete only with themselves. I tell them to be better than they were yesterday and don't worry about what the guy on the monolift next to them is doing.
However, there are times when it's just downright fun to have the teams go at it! So I choose exercises that technique isn't all that important and simply banging out a shit ton of reps at an established weight and getting two chances to beat the crap out of your teammate is plain old FUN!
For the record today...WE HAD A BLAST! There was a lot of cajoling and chirping. The insults were flying, and the camaraderie was peaking.
Good numbers were being put up and the "pumps" were incredible.
Let the laughs commence.
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
AirDyne: 15 mins
C/S Row: 2x AMRAP
Lat Pulldown w/ V-bar: 2x AMRAP
Cable Tricep Pushdown: 2x AMRAP
BB Curl: 2x AMRAP
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 2x AMRAP
Concentration Curl: 3x12
Cycle: Commute