For goodness' sake, it was yesterday that it was July and I was on the beach. Today the temps in the Bay Area was 32 degrees. I looked like the Michelin Man while riding my bike today.

Regardless, I still get up and take an outdoor ice-cold shower to start the day. Layer up, and ride into the gym. No matter how cold it's going to get, I do it so that I can maintain a straight face when others complain to me about how uncomfortable they are.

Just remember this, my friends....EASY doesn't change you!

Today's Training:

Cycle: Commute

Concept II Row: 15 mins

C/S Row: 4x10

Wide Grip Lat Pull: 4x10

Straight Arm Lat Pulls: 4x10

DB Pullover: 4x10

BB Curl: 4x8

DB Hammer Curl: 4x8

Concentration Curl: 3x15

Cycle: Commute