Typically Jesse Burdick and I run opposite on our programming. No, not that we differ, on the contrary, we have similar ideas and implement the same thing at the same time of the month.
Where we differ is on what DAYS we do things so as not to overlap and get in each other's way.
Understand this, we have co-habitat for almost a decade and a half, and he knows everyone in my program and I know most of the people in his early morning program. We lend advice and help out where ever and whenever. It's a really cool setup we have.
However, today was a perfect day to condition the fuck out of everyone. Soooooo...we had the place filled with complaints, sweat, and heavy breathing, and he and I just laughed the morning away. What fun!
Today's Training:
*Cycle: Commute
Concept II Row: 5000 meters for time. The best one today was by Dr. Farr at 19.35 The orthopedic surgeon was a GOON. He didn't look like he was going that fast, yet...Ka-BOOM!!! Walked away with the day's record.
Kettlebell Swing: 8x50
*Cycle: Commute
*indicates me only.
That's it! Done