I have very limited computer skills. What I know, I KNOW! What I don't know (which is vast) I really am aclueistic (look that word up and you are too). I hit a couple favorite buttons and I come to this spot, where I can type my daily log. When I go to the screen before this, and it's blank (because my son and wife clean up my computer) I PANIC! I start pushing buttons until something happens, whether it be good or really really bad. It is by shear LUCK, that I am able to type here now. I'm not sure how to save this site again, but maybe I'll just leave it on...ForEVER!
1. Dynamic Bench: Using three varied grips 55% of your raw max (or guess) for 9 sets of 3 reps 2. Chest Supported Rows * 2 warm up sets * 3 sets of 6-8 reps ( these should be hard work sets) 3. Pushdowns - any style 3 sets of 15-20 (go for a GIANT pump) <--- this is to get blood into the tissue 2 sets 15-20 (go for giant pump) <---- this is to get blood into the tissue 5. Side Raises * do these as swings. Only move the weight 4-5 inches. Keep your head up. Use a weight that is hard to do for 30 reps. * 3 sets of 30 reps