Yep, I never take days off. I take days off from training, of course, but those are rare. I mean I took the day off from even going to the gym at all.
I've been going long hours with no rest wearing many hats. My wife's father took ill and lives in Michigan, so she had to go and tend to that while the boys were left here.
Between the normal routine of my early hours and my son's schedule that includes "late night" practices, I've burnt the candle at both ends for too many days in a row.
The phrase, "you can go hard, or you can go long, but you can't go hard for too long" is true.
I am normally impervious to colds, illnesses, diseases, and germs that cause bad breath, but I did finally "catch" a bit of a bug. (Should have called the insect remover)
Instead of risking infecting anyone in my program, I did what I tell everyone else to do when they don't feel 100%...Stay the FUCK at home!
That's where I am! Home. But even then, there is a shit ton of stuff that needs to be addressed even here.
My hat is off to single parents who balance their life, (or as I now know...lack of life), How the fuck do you do it with no end in sight? Geeesh!
I have a new respect for those people. God bless you. I'm not sure I could do it without killing something.
Regardless, the house didn't burn down, the dog has been fed and given water continuously along with her exercises. The son finished his hockey tournament weekend (4 games in as many days) with a broken wrist. Yes, we were in the hospital late LAST night, but he's cast and miserable with finals coming this week.
My father-in-law is getting taken care of.
and I am feeling guilty as fuck for not manning up and going to the gym anyway. (Not really...I seriously don't want to infect anyone).
Today's Training:
Nothing. Nada. Zilch.