I quoted the great Ed Coan yesterday on a social media page. He was simplifying people that overtrain and add too much to their programs.
"The new generation grossly overtrains.
You can’t do it all, choose what brings the most bang for your buck. Your approach should be one bullet, one kill. To quote from The Last Samurai: too many minds!"
The people in the program joke about it, but when I write down on the board the day's activities and there are only two to four items that need to be done, they know that it's going to be a ROUGH one for sure.
The issue is, everyone sees all the "cool" things being done on the internet and decides that they need to put that in their programs as well.
I'm here to tell you...NOPE! Don't major in the minor stuff. Take into account what you suck at and that probably should be the emphasis of your program until you don't suck as much anymore.
You don't need to do eleventeen exercises either. Do the basic MAIN lift and 1-2 accessory (the ones you really suck at) lifts. Finish up with one, possibly two supplemental exercises to get "the pump" and get the heck out of the gym. (Unless you have groups like mine and then it becomes "campfire story time" which is a LOT of fun. Know it's going to happen when the folding chairs get broken out)
Big changes will happen. Try it and see.
Today's Training:
*AirDyne: 10 mins legs only; 10 mins arms and legs; 10 mins arms only
*Cycle: Commute: 24 mins
Concept II Row: 15 mins
C/S Row: 4x12
Pull-ups: 10x3
Blast Strap Rows: 125 continuous reps
Chin-ups: 10x3
DB Curl: 4x10
Ab Crunch: 125
*4-way Neck: 1x10
*Cycle: Commute: 22 min
*Indicates things I did and not with the Teams.