We are in the last weeks of the training year and the goal of the program is to not allow for seven to 14 lbs of "Holiday" weight gain. To accomplish this, I slam in a LOT of conditioning to counter the caloric intake of many.
The heart rates were elevated, to say the least. Especially as we got into the full-body isometric contraction at the lockout of each deadlift.
Some people pulled with the use of bands to pull against while a few of the less aggressive folk simply exploded the bar off a two-inch deficit.
Once the lifter was at lockout, a mental check list was gone through from the ground to the ceiling for that iso hold.
- Dig the toes into the ground and stay on the heels HARD
- Contract the calves harder than they need to be
- Extend the knee and cramp the quads
- Clench the glutes as if you have a bad case of the (ahem...you know) and drive the hips hard into the bar
- Overgrip the bar
- Bend the bar around your thighs
- Cramp down on those abs as if you're going to get the wind knocked out of you.
This "checklist" should take about the same time as it does to count to "Five Mississippi".
Keep the weight light, but a shit ton of band tension is fun!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute
Prowler: 12x40 yds
Run: Sprints: 10x40 yds
GHR: 4x10
Walking Lunge: 100 each leg
Dynamic Deadlift w/ Isometric contraction at lock out: 12x1
Cycle: Commute