Today's Training:
AirDyne: 22 minutes
To be done DAILY!!!
2 sets of 20 reps of the following exercises *
Reverse Hyper
Back Extension
Side Flexion
Suspended Knees to Elbow
DB Lateral Raise
Push Ups
* ONE set of Rear Delt Destroyers modified:
Main Lift: 1000 rep arm assault
5x20 of the following:
1. Tricep Rope Push Down
2. BB Curl
3. DB Supine Tricep Extension
4. BB Reverse Curl 1/2 way up
5. C/S Tricep Kick Back
6. Seated BB Curl
7. Dips
8. Hammer Curls
9. Close Grip Push ups
10. Concentration Curls
Total Rep Count including the "Daily" 1460 reps
Average Time to Completion: 80 mins.
Yup folks this was a long one!
Bike Commute: 20 mins.