I've been having issue with my sciatic nerve.  I have now incorporated everything I can think of aside from the purchase of an Old School Nautilus Duo/Poly Hip and Back machine. (although that would do the trick for certain)

I traced back my training journal to see what I added or had taken away that might cause the "flair up".

To my surprise, the 5 K run that has pissed me off because of my asthmatic breathing sounds (I don't have asthma) began about the same time the nerve started to hurt.

By deductive reasoning, I should take the 5K run out of the training, right?

Well, that isn't going to happen.  NOPE!  I need to conquer the breathing issue first.  I need to be able to click off the 3 miler in 18:00 minutes or close as crap to it.  THAT is on ME!!!

So instead of dropping the run, I have increased the stretch and "Body Tempering" or Crushing the shit out of soft (and some hard) tissue.

Everyone knows I am not about the hocus pocus or next fad that comes by.  But so far.....So good!  I stick with it.

Brings me to a point.  There has been a lot of "statements" that are being made by people I've never heard of.  But because I was on a three day rampage of "accepting" every friend request on social media, the "want to become famous" types have made quite a few claims.

I am open to listen to everything, but I accept nothing until I test drive it myself.  Just the way I am.

I also enjoy conversations from Ph.D's to weekend certificated trainers.

I have said...I am never at the mercy of anyone with a theory BECAUSE of that experience that I have...so I listen.

What I don't get, is the lack of communication when I KNOW the other person has no clue what the fuck they are asserting.

I was talking to my bud, Lee Zimmerman last night.  He was PISSED at the collective stupidity of people.

I like Lee  a LOT.  Always seems level in his thinking and has the experience along with the credentials to make him someone I listen to.

I have to agree with him on this issue of people making "retarded" remarks.

To quote Lincoln, Twain or maybe even the Bible, "far better for people to think of you as an idiot, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt".     BRILLIANT recommendation.



Run: 5K with my fat ass dog!

Stretch like a motherfucker

Happy New Year folks.  Enjoy and watch out for the amateurs out there.