I have always been a huge fan of this little diddy. From the time it showed up on my doorstep right to this morning.
The morning of its arrival while I was coaching in Arizona, I wondered, "what sort of mayhem can I design?"
So I packed it in the back of my truck and headed over to the hockey team's brand-new arena parking lot. And, like a newborn baby, it doesn't come with instructions, I was free to do as I wanted.
I figured that a "Blueline to Blueline" distance would be decent enough to start so I walked off what I thought was that distance. Well, when I finally measured it for real, it was 55 yards. (but what do I know, right?)
Then I had to guess what a good STARTING weight would be, so heck, two forty-fives seem about right. So 90 lbs go on this huge Billiards Rack 'em up.
Forget the fact that this is taking place in Prescott Valley, Arizona with an altitude of over 5000 ft, I get to pushing.
The other thing was the goal, yea...10 of these "blueline to blueline" sprints should do the trick.
Needless to say, after ONE, my heart was in my throat. After four, I was getting lightheaded, and eight made me see Crom.
But I'm the kind of guy that will DIE before I quit on an objective. I press on. Two left in the tank and I go for it.
You have to understand that I HATE throwing up. It's a sign of weakness to me. So I keep swallowing hard as I gasp for air and try to focus while not losing my peripheral vision.
I load the Prowler back into the truck so I can go home and die in peace and head on down the road.
I must tell you that I lived about two miles from the stadium rink and I couldn't make it. I pulled my truck over to regain my senses when the local law enforcement rolled up behind me.
Lucky for me, I know most of the Police in town and this one, in particular, happened to actually be a good friend of mine.
He asked me "if everything was alright?" and I told him "NO! I think I might be DUI". Then I explained what I just did.
Because this officer is a "plate head", he asked if he could try it out.
I told him, "only if he did exactly what I did and bring a friend".
The next day my captains and the police (and a few other masochists) showed up to challenge the Prowler Flu.
I set the course up, load the Prowler and off they went.
The result? Every one of them was GASSED! A few yelled for some guy by the name of "RALPH" and a lot of missed moms, because I heard the group mutter "ma, mu, ma..."
My police friend confirmed that I was in fact DUI because no one in their right mind would do that to themself..."That's FUCKED UP!" were his exact words.
I tell you this story because, after that, this was my answer to getting any TEAM or individual in shape, FAST! *(as long as they didn't DIE!)
I have grown in the number of Prowlers in my possession at this moment in time. People still HATE (but secretly love) the apparatus.
I still have my original Prowler and have had to reshoe it no less than a dozen times.
I have another that the shoes can be changed as we wear them down to NOTHING.
After a short few weeks, all of my Prowlers are back in working order, so today I felt the NEED for SPEED, or Pee or Puke, or something like that. So at zero-dark-dark, I head to the parking lot and begin to push the newly shoe Prowler.
Yep, it's like starting ALL OVER. I was muttering "ma-ma-ma" by the fourth one.
But I'm sitting here writing this to tell ANYONE, that if they want to get into shape. I mean REALLY get into GREAT condition then you NEED a Prowler of your very own.
I can not stress this enough...It is the GREATEST Conditioning tool on Planet Earth!
When you order yours, tell the staff at EliteFTS, "Harry sent me."
Today's Training (and tomorrow as well)
Prowler: 10 x 80 (yes, eighty) yards
GHR: 2x20
Dynamic Deadlift: 20x1 and I mean to tell you that you need to RIP that bar off the floor.
Key things to focus on today:
- Ground your feet
- Set your lats
- Grip with accentuated pinky and ring fingers tight
- bend the bar around your shins
- Get the bar light on the skids
- blast the bar and whip the hips
But mostly focus on 1 and 2.
Reverse Hyper: 2x15