I get to the gym earlier than anyone in my program. I dislike it when I roll in on my bike and someone is there waiting for me.
It gives me:
- Time to get my own training in so I can then concentrate on Coaching, and
- Time to do the opening procedures at my leisure, instead of being rushed.
As I was finishing my sprints after Prowler today, I had an overwhelming sense of depression. I was DONE! SHOOT! I hate having a training session end. For me, it's like Friday. I know everyone loves their Friday, but I become sad that the week is now over. I LOVE Mondays. It's new and fresh and I now have a chance to build and/or make something of it. But on Friday, you have to wait until Sunday night for preparation time.
Oh well...such is life. Yea?
Today's Training:
Bike: 28 mins.
Prowler: 10x80 yds
Run: Sprints: 10x40
KB Swings: 8x40
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x12
Ab Wheel: 4x15
Crunch: 100
Bike: 26 mins