Like clockwork, we need to blast the arms once a month with a thousand reps. No one and I means not one cotton pick'n person left without a magnificent PUMP!
Today was no exception. Veins popping like road maps, muscle density that rivals the folks found on Jupiter, the group walking out looked unbelievable.
Put this routine (or one close to it) in once per month and watch your arms develop right before your eyes
Today's Training:
*Cycle: Commute; 28 mins
Concept II Row: 17 mins
4x25 of the following:
1A. BB Curl
1B. Cable Rope Push-down
2A. D.B. Hammer Curl
2B. D.B. Supine Tricep Extension
3A. Reverse Grip BB Curl
3B. Dips
4A. Seated Barbell Curl
4B. Banded Overhead Tricep Extension
5A. Concentration Curl
5B. Close Grip Push-ups
*Cycle: 27 mins