I will watch carefully at a participant's technique and say nothing. I suppose it's my 1000-yard glare that makes a few people wonder "the heck is he looking at?" that causes them to be a bit uncomfortable or concerned to elicit their question, "WHAT?" To which I will say nothing and leave it at that.
I had to explain to one young lady today that it is said..."Only God can judge." Yet, here I am. That if I don't say anything, then she's doing everything alright. When I say something it's because I AM going to criticize technique, weight choice, or attitude.
I WILL use positive reinforcement for effort or form or sheer guts and determination, but I'm not going to spend a lot of time blowing sunshine up someone's ass.
The other time I will say something is to relate stories or to inspire. But I kind of suck at "small talk" too.
So if your coach doesn't say anything to you. Know that you have it handled correctly!
Today's Training:
Cycle: 27 mins
Prowler: 10x 80 yds x still a bunch of weight
5x20 of the following exercises:
1A Barbell Curl
1B Cable Rope Pushdown
2A DB Curl
2B DB Supine Tricep Extension
3A DB Hammer Curl
3B Dip
4A Reverse Grip BB Curl
4B C/S Tricep Kickback
5A Concentration Curl
5B XBody Tricep Extension
Cycle: 25 mins