This counts! This workout SUCKS!!! You have to find a very dark place inside of yourself to complete this one.

The objective is to keep moving and FINISH it. It can be done, but you have to reach way down inside and you might have to kick Satan right in the balls to accomplish it.

Very few could complete it in an hour. MOST took 75-90 minutes.

There was no conditioning in it today as the SESSION was the conditioner.

Don't look too far ahead or the tasks might seem way too big. Complete each cycle at it's own pace. Mind games are a must.

Good luck and God's speed!

Today's Training:

Run: Fartlek 3 miles

Cycle: Commute

Super Set:

  1. Squat: 5x20x45
  2. Forward Stepping Lunge: 5x20xBW

Walking Chain Lunge:

3x30 each leg

  1. Two Chains
  2. One Chain
  3. No Chains

Squat (again): 5x20x45

GHR: 4x10

Reverse Hyper: 3x10

Calf Raise: 100

Cycle: Commute