By staying ready you'll never have to GET ready.

When people ask me, "do you know what it's like to get into condition? You know those first few days???" I tell them "NO!" I don't know what that's like. Because I STAY in condition. Always have and always will.

I've come back from injury, but even THAT is hastened by keeping in shape. Do I know what it's like to feel pain? YES! I feel pain every day. Heck, that's why I know I'm alive!!!

Do I know what it's like to go on a diet? NO! I don't go on a diet because then I could go OFF a diet. I have a nutritional game plan that I am disciplined and stick to it.

By STAYING ready, I will never have to GET ready!

Today's Training:

AirDyne: 10-10-10

Cycle: Commute; 25 mins

5x20 of the following exercises: You can superset any odd number with any even number:

  1. Barbell Curl
  2. Cable Pushdown
  3. DB Curl
  4. DB Supine Tricep Extension
  5. Reverse Grip BB Curl (1/2 way up)
  6. C/S Tricep Kick-Back
  7. DB Hammer Curl
  8. Dips
  9. Concentration Curl
  10. X-body Single Arm Supine Tricep Extension

Cycle: Commute; 28 mins