Or like Clint Darden says..."Balls and Attitude" week.

We are at the stage in training that we will alternate the weeks with a Max Effort for 6 reps week, then a Dynamic Effort Week at 50% of the estimated 1 RM. Then we'll do a 4 RM week and then do dynamic effort at 55%. Lastly, we will establish a 2 RM and then hit 60% the following dynamic week.

The important thing to remember and I try to drill into my participant's heads, Technique is paramount, but the AGGRESSION necessary is a close second.

Most people will THINK they are lifting dynamically when in reality they are moving a lighter weight a little bit faster. NO! If your squat is 600 lbs then the 300 lbs dynamic weight has to be moved with the same force of that 6 bills.

I find myself repeating, "find that inner rage!", "Find something to hate and take your anger out on the weight"!!!

Sometimes I think people are way too nice, or they have a hard time expressing that "Darkside".

Whatever it is that AMPS you up, find it and use it!

"Balls and Attitude"!!!

Today's Training:

Bike: Commute: 28 mins

Prowler: 10 x 80 yds

Superman: 20

Prone Scorpion: 10 to each side

Angry Cat/Camel: 10

Fire Hydrant Knee Circles: 10 each

Push-ups: 15

Stretcher Pull-ups: 8x1

Dynamic Effort Squat: 10x2x 50% of a predicted 1 RM based on a 6 rep max from last week

Dynamic Effort Deadlift: 15x1 of a predicted 1 RM based on the 6 reps from last week

GHR: Negative Accentuated: 3x10

Reverse Hyper: 3x10

Suspended Knees to Elbow: 3x10

Bike Commute: 35 mins (it was raining HARD and people here can't drive when the weather is nice)