I emphasized the deceleration of the muscle or the "negative" movement in today's workout.
To do a proper negative rep I have the athlete hold and let down or lengthen the muscle without any loaded concentric contraction.
For example, a negative chin is done with a box height that when standing on it, the athlete's chin can touch the horizontal bar. While squeezing the bar as hard as they can the participant steps off the box and suspends themself at the bar for as long as they can. Once they fatigue and start to descend they must not just fall through the mid-range but must maintain the same level of intensity to fight it all the way until their arms are straight. Then they step back up on the box for the next rep.
The level of concentration to do these types of reps is so high that ALL conversations that normally go on were eliminated. If it weren't for the background music, an observer would have thought they were in a library.
The normal banter was non-exsistant. No jokes, no cajoling, NOTHING but effort, sweat, and a lot of pain.
Today's Training:
Bike: Commute: 30 mins
Prowler: 10x 80 yds
Blast Strap Row: 200 reps in as few sets as possible
superset w/
Push-ups: 150 reps in as few sets as possible
Neg Chins: 10x2
superset w/
Neg Dips: 10x3
DB Curl: 4x8
superset w/
DB Supine Tricep Extension: 4x10
Ab Wheel: 2x25
Bike: Commute: 27 mins