DISCLOSURE: I have spoken at all but one of the SWIS Conferences and asked to have any compensation forwarded to different charity foundations. I do not make anything off the sales of the videos or site membership. As a speaker, I do have access to all the lectures and am posting this because I do feel these are a great investment and would be doing a disservice if I did not make everyone aware of them. The clips below are from my presentation on basic business principles. There are more interesting lectures for coaches and trainers to select from. As I have been working my way through them I haven't found one that was a "sales pitch" for anything. I'm not an affiliate person and I think referrals should be authentic and earned - this is my recommendation.
Posted on Ken Kinakin's Instagram
All text via Ken:
The new video uploaded is David Tate - The Gym Business... @underthebar ...this video clip Dave is discussing how everyone in the gym is the same and how helpful everyone in the gym is and can be an inspiration to open up your own...55 seconds long...So if you purchased the SWIS 2016 Video bundle, go to the web site you were sent access to and the full 90-minute presentation will be there. If you would like to purchase the SWIS 2016 video bundle while its on its sale price....go here for more information...