Although most of my programming is based on the Conjugated Strength Training Protocol, I will say that 90% (or better) come into my program with the desire to look better naked.
Come on, REALLY!!! We all want to be able to tear the ass end of a charging Rhino, but we want to do it while looking like Gods and Goddesses (and I have both)
So about this time of the year, my program emphasis turns to more "Bodybuilding" or as we weight whores like to say...."Powerbuilding".
I opened this morning with this statement, "I don't really care how much weight you are pushing. What I am more interested in is to see how much PAIN you can handle"
I do it with dead eyes and no smile until I get to the Pain you can handle part, and then I give only dazed eyes and a sly grin. Ya know, more of an impact.
Today's Training:
Bike Commute: 28 mins
Bench: 8 RM; PRE=7 Don't lockout. Keep constant tension and front load the sets by going up in more minor than the usual incremental jumps. Once you have found the weight, do two more sets of 8 reps at that heaviest weight.
Incline Barbell Press: Same protocol as the bench only doing FIVE reps. Once you have reached your weight limit do an additional four sets of five reps.
By NOT locking out we keep constant tension on the muscle which increases the time under tension and THAT'S the hard part.
Cable Flys: 6x8
"Stretcher" Push-Ups 3x30
DB Lateral Raise: 4x12
DB Rear Delt Raise: 4x12
Bike Commute: 35 mins (I took the scenic route)