Recovery is hard, but regret is harder.

So off I run on damaged wheels. I've recovered from hamstring injuries before, and I'm doing it again.

Today's Training:

Cycle: Commute

DB Bench Press: 2 warm up sets; 3x10x a significant weight; 1xAMRAPx Same wt

Hammer Strength Incline Chest Press: 3x10; 1x AMRAP

Incline DB Fly: 3x10; 1xAMRAP

Cable Fly: 3x10; 1xAMRAP

Supine DB Tricep Extension: 2x10; 1xAMRAP

Cable Tricep Pushdown: 2x10; 1xAMRAP

Cycle: Commute

Run: Sprint; 10x50 yds. The speed I went was fast enough to get the blood moving into my hamstrings, primarily my injured one.

It felt "OK".