My buddy told me he had the body of a Greek God...
I had to explain to him that Buddha is NOT Greek.
Today's Training:
Bike: 27 mins
Incline DB Chest Press: 3x8* Front-load the volume. Start with 10 lbs and move up in 10-pound increments until the 8 reps become tough to do. Once you have found the heaviest weight, do two more sets of 8. Don't lock out—about 3/4 of the way to keep constant tension. The stronger you are the more sets you will have to do.
Incline Barbell Chest Press (In a power cage): 5x5 Set the pins to press off and set another pair above 12-15 inches apart. Press into the top pin lightly and then try to lift the entire rack up with a three-second isometric each rep.
Stretcher Push-ups: 3x33
DB Lateral Raise: 3x12 only raise the DBs to the 10 O'clock and 2 O'clock position that is above parallel. Engage the traps hard.
C/S Rear Delt Raise:3x15
Bike:26 mins