For about a year now I've been taking an ice-cold shower that I had installed OUTSIDE of my home on a daily basis.

Yes, there are those sexy ice tubs you can purchase but for a few dollars at your local Hardware store, you can get some PVC piping, a two-way valve, and a very cool showerhead.

My training partner who is very handy had installed it next to the outdoor spicket where the hose goes in about 10 minutes and I have been in business ever since.

My goal has been to take a daily shower, OUTSIDE, regardless of the weather and ambient air temperature when I get up at 3:00 AM.

Known benefits of cold showers

  1. Reduced stress levels.
  2. Higher level of alertness
  3. More robust immune response.
  4. Increased willpower.
  5. Weight loss.

I say that it's all well and fine, but you have to do something that SUCKS every day to be a badass.

The cold, outdoor shower is just another way to increase your Bad Ass rank!

Today's Training:

Cycle: Commute

Chain Lunge: Three sets of the following:

  1. 40 steps with two chains
  2. 40 steps with one chain
  3. 40 steps with bodyweight only

GHR: 4x12

High Box Squat: 3 RM

Cycle: Commute

Airdyne: 10-10-10