I do my morning training BEFORE I coach so I can 1. Concentrate on the people that I'm training and 2. Get my own work finished in a timely manner so I can concentrate on ME...
Often my teams will begin just as I'm finishing up and they will see me do a different exercise or an adjustment to an exercise to see if I can make it more efficient.
Mostly because I like to be able to tell my teams what exactly they should experience...
BUT...sometimes I'll see someone doing what I did and I have to explain that I want them to do only what I have written. The exercise that I'm doing "might show up" the next time...
For instance, I did BASICALLY the workout that everyone else did today and I modified a couple of items in addition to the other things on the menu. Guess what? The modifications SUCKED! But my team will never have to waste THEIR time on them.
So DON'T DO what I do. I don't want YOU wasting the same amount of time.
Today's Training:
Bike: 26 mins I was FLYING
DB Row: 4x8
Straight Arm Lat Pulldown: 4x10
DB Pullover: 4x10
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 4x10
DB Curl: 4x8
DB Hammer Curl: 4x8
DB Tricep Kick Back: 4x10
Concentration Curl: 3x15
Bike: 27 mins