After cleaning the gym for six-plus hours this past Friday, I walked into it on Sunday to do the workout below. What I found pissed me off. When I say I cleaned it, I mean I CLEANED the entire area that I share. From vacuuming to swabbing the deck to putting ALL the weights back onto weight stands in the right order, and placing all the bars where they are designed to go.
There were weights NOT back in the spots I just put them in. Chalk on the floor (again) Just general CRAP that you have to be an idiot to not notice that someone fixed it up and organized it.
So I went on social media to have some fun with an advertisement for a seminar that I am putting on.
Here's how it read:
I am holding a Strength and Conditioning seminar next weekend at my gym CSA (Combat Sports Academy) in California. I am the only speaker/coach but we will be going in-depth on how to perform quite possibly the hardest and most technical aspects of the gym. One day=$100; Two days=$150We will learn and put it into the practical application:-How to Re Rack the weights that you use-Clean the pads up from YOUR own sweat-Putting the bar that YOU used back in the bar racks-Not leaving the Deadlift bars on the floor next to the platform-Not mixing the weights up. IE not putting a 5 lb plate three in on the 25 lb post.-How to keep most of the chalk in the chalk bowls-Throwing out your plastic water bottles and "dirty gains" candy wrappers-Taking your clothes home and last but not least-Leaving the iPad and the music the fuck alone. Sign-up is limited to any and all that use Jesse Burdick's and My side of the gym (Did you see that? Jesse Burdick and MY side of the gym)
The response was overwhelming. Not so much from people wanting to see one of my glorious speeches, but from other gym owners that must suffer from the same problem that I do.
Here's my observation...
It's not the over 35-year-old guys and gals that do this. This group has been taught that if you go to the bathroom, you flush your toilet. No one wants to come into the head and see your poop. You take care of business and then clean up after yourself. You put things back where you found them. You wipe equipment down that you sweated on. Was my father the only one that outlined the tools on a pegboard so he knew when the 9/16 open-end wrench went missing he would yell out before you had a chance to put it back???
I suppose the UNDER 35 ground has been nursed and burped that they can't figure this out on their own.
I'm serious...If I thought it would do any good, I would go around the country and give lessons in Gym Ettiquiet.
It frustrates me to no end and now I am sure it pisses off EVERY gym owner the same.
I swear, IF I find the people responsible for leaving my gym disheveled, I will tear their ears off and throat punch them so hard their voices will sound as gravelly as mine.
Heck, I'm thinking about going back for a surprise appearance a few times to see who exactly is the over-entitled fuck that needs lessons in how to do kindergarten.
Today's Training:
Prowler: 10x80 yds
Deadlift: 6 RM to a PRE=7
Once you establish the weight, then do two more sets for a total of THREE working sets
GHR: 4x10
Leg Press: Work up to a PRE=7 then do two more sets
Bike Commute: 23 mins (wind-aided)